Material Handling training

Ergonomics tries very hard to reduce difficult physical elements in the job design; however, there are instances where staff are still required to perform manual tasks. Good material handling technique can significantly reduce the risks of lower back injury.

Our training will include:

  • An overview of the new ergonomics legislation
  • An introduction to ergonomics and correct material handling technique.
  • An overview of anatomy and biomechanics of the body and how it relates to injuries and good material handling technique.
  • Learning how to approach ergonomics challenges in the workplace as an employee (including planning/team work/communication).
  • Learning how to perform good material handling technique.
  • Learning 3 strengthening and 3 flexibility exercises important to optimizing good material handling technique.
  • On-site/job specific corrected material handling technique of each participant.
  • Max 12-15 participants per session (due to practical nature of course).
  • R3600 per 2-hr session.

Contact us to arrange training today

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    Member of: Saiosh; ESSA and the HPCSA